Learn how to make more money
You save small amount every month but you don’t invest because of fear of losing money. Sounds familiar? Stock Market Simulator to gra, za pomocą której testing various investing vehicles and matching a proper investing strategy with your character and goals.
I want to become an investor!
Learn how to invest in safe environment
The theory and the practise are the opposites. Instead of reaching for the next book about investment, immerse in the simulation of stock exchange market. You don’t have to worry about your savings because you invest virtual resources that you have on your account.
Create your own investment paradigm
There are deposits, stocks and real estate in your investment portfolio. Decide which investing vehicles you will use to make more money. Get familiar with the risk accompanying each instrument.
Compete with others in tournaments
Try your skills in tournaments. The game gives you the opportunity to try yourself in competition. Check how quick you’re able to beat the other players and reach the title of the best investor.
I want to invest on stock exchange!
How You Can Invest in Cashplay?
See what are your options and start learning to invest on instruments that real investors use in their strategies.
Deposits are known to be one of the most safe and stable investing vehicles but the ROI is pretty little. Stock Market Simulator CashPlay lets you use this instrument. Check it out how much you will be able to earn on deposits and if this investment strategy is suitable for you.
- Check how much profit you can gain on deposits
- Manage your deposits – renew or close them
- Determine the amount you want to deposit
- Catch the best offers available on the market
- Broaden your knowledge about deposits
Real estate
Invest accumulated assets in real estate and live as a rentier! Sell or lease your property. Investing Simulator Cashplay gives you the opportunity to check how you manage real estate. Choose between different assets and check which investing model suits you.
- Invest in flats, tenement houses or skyscrapers
- Learn how much time you need to start earning on real estate
- Develop your own strategy – make money on selling or rent
- Manage your real estate portfolio
- Learn diversification of your investment
Stock exchange
Buying stocks may be very profitable but an investor must monitor financial performance of firms that he is interested in. Assess how good you are at tipping companies with potential. Play the virtual stock market in Cashplay to accumulate more assets and test your decision making skills.
- Select among listed companies
- Learn reading data from the charts to sell and buy in right moment
- Monitor stocks price
- Learn mechanisms working on stock market
- Exercise buying and selling stocks